Using Midjourney to Create Better Videos in 2023

Midjourney s an amazing service that can generate crazy impressive images from simple text prompts.

I spent a few weeks experimenting with Midjourney to try to make my own video edits and VFX better. Here’s what I’ve learnt!

As promised, here are the prompts I used to generate the images shown in the video.

/imagine digital illustration of AI taking over the world,space battle,
cyberpunk style,high tech,dark shadows,high contrast,highly detailed,
robots,war of the worlds --ar 2:1
/imagine colorful anime style illustration of a cute pig,running through lush meadows,blue sky,raining money,money pools on the ground,gold coins falling,happy,giant smile,kawai,super cute --ar 2:1
/imagine cute round emoji icons,stickers,cute cartoon style,
kawai,simple,colorful,on a black background
/imagine vector art,text box,rectangular,sci fi picture frame,
simple,elegant,in a professional clean style,on a black background --ar 2:1
/imagine vector art text box,cyberpunk,sci-fi,sleek,metal,simple,
detailed rim,on a black background --ar 2:1
/imagine vector art illustration,single colorful logo,centered,
symmetrical,elegant,simple,happy,on white background --ar 2:1
/imagine inside an underground ruin,mysterious cavern,crumbled walls,
rubble,overgrown,light rays,volumetric light,incredible detail,photograph,
scenic,beautiful,calm --ar 2:1
amazing photo of a human silhouette,in a dark apartment,in front of a large window panel,looking out,cyberpunk city view,high tech,neon lights,futuristic,dark,incredible detail,hyperrealistic --ar 2:1 --v 5
/imagine a beautiful assassin costume,japanese inspired,leather 
straps,metal studs,flowing,dress,dramatic colors,intricate detail,
embroidered,incredible detail,digital illustration --ar 3:4 --v 5
/imagine concept art of an unimaginable nightmare creature,horror,
disfigured,scary,terrifying,rotten,freaky,monster --ar 3:4 --v 5
award winning concept art,digital illustration,a dark and mysterious swamp,atmospheric lighting,volumetric fog,tiny fireflies,glowing moss,scary atmosphere,moody,swamp pools,grimy --v 5 --ar 2:1

As someone working in IT, I’m very interested in the technology behind all of these powerful new AI tools. As a creator I also love just using them and talking about them so feel free to leave your questions below or hit me up on the official Surfaced Studio Discord server!

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