Brand New Surfaced Studio V3 Website Launched!

Welcome to the third iteration of the Surfaced Studio website!

New Surfaced Studio Website V3 Launched

For the longest time, my website layout has been centered around the blog. But each blog entry I wrote ended up being a detailed VFX tutorial instead of an actual ‘blog’ entry. New visitors to the site would run into 5 huge posts on the front page without any sort of intelligent navigation features.
After months of work, I finally have the Surfaced Studio website fully restructured :)

Here is a quick overview of what has changed.

A dedicated front page

When you first arrive on the new Surfaced Studio website you will immediately see the latest 4 VFX tutorials available. You can scan through featured gear, news and dedicated tutorial series and interact with my on Twitter. At the bottom of the page you will find quick links to all of the available VFX tutorials organised by difficulty level.

VFX Tutorial Search

The Tutorials page of the Surfaced Studio website shows you all of the tutorials available on this site and gives you quick access to filter them either by difficulty level or by category. This is what I consider to be the core of this new website and I wanted to make it easier for all of you to find what you are looking for!

Note that I am a little behind on writing up the tutorials for all the ones available on my YouTube Channel, but I am working on them so hopefully they will be on this website soon :)


Now my blog section can actually be a blog and I can easily share my latest thoughts on VFX, exciting news or interesting articles without mixing them in with the main tutorials on the website.

Gear Reviews

This section is still pretty new, but I have been using more and more gear lately that I want to review and share with you all. I am in the middle of writing up some solid reviews and will put them online as soon as they are ready. The gear review section will be dedicated to that.


I am still an avid photographer and wherever I go, I usually take my camera along. But rather than blogging about my travels and the photos I take, I have created a dedicated section that will contain my best photography organised into easy to navigate galleries.

About & Contact

I also updated the rather outdated about page to tell you a little more about Surfaced Studio, who I am and where I come from. Also, if you want to get in touch with me, there is a big contact form that you can fill out and it’ll go straight to me.

I hope you enjoy the brand new Surfaced Studio website and feel free to send through any feedback you may have. It’d be great to hear if all the work is actually paying off and making this site more of a hub for VFX artists and Film Makers :)

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