Adobe After Effects – Building Destruction Effect (Part 2)

Adding Lighting to the Explosions

We want the lighting for the explosions to sit correctly over neighbouring buildings. To define which areas of the scene will receive the lighting, we will again use a track matte. Simply duplicate the Skyline Matte layer and rename the copy to ‘Lighting Matte’.

How To Blow Up A Building 19 - Lighting Matte

Now use masks to define the areas where you want the lighting to be applied. I chose a number of subtractive and additive masks on my layer to create a rough area around the centre of the neighbouring buildings that will be lit up by the explosions. I inverted the skyline matte mask so that the buildings in the foreground to not receive any lighting.

How To Blow Up A Building 20 - Lighting Matte Masks

Animate the opacity of the Lighting Matte in time with the explosions to fade in and out. You want the layer to be most visible during the brightest moment of the explosions.

How To Blow Up A Building 21 - Lighting Matte Opacity

Next, duplicate the Building Comp layer and call this layer ‘Lighting’. Set the blend mode to Add and then set the track matte option to ‘Alpha’ to apply our Lighting Matte to it.

How To Blow Up A Building 22 - Lighting Layer

If you solo out the Lighting Layer you you will likely only see the building itself get brighter during the explosions, but none of the surrounding skyline. Why?

How To Blow Up A Building 23a – Building Lighting Only

Because the Lighting Comp only contains our actual footage as a ‘Guide Layer’, which isn’t being rendered. To fix this, mark the base footage in this parent composition as a Guide Layer instead. Go into the Lighting composition and disable the Guide Layer flag on the base footage in there.

How To Blow Up A Building 23c – Disable Guide Layer

If you now go back to the parent composition, the Lighting layer should show not only the fake building but the entire skyline as defined by the Lighting Matte.

How To Blow Up A Building 23 - Lighting Matted

Tweak the opacity on the Lighting layer to suit your scene. I lowered it to around 75% which seemed to fit in nicely.

How To Blow Up A Building 24 - Adjust Lighting Opacity

Apply a curves effect to the Lighting layer and increase the red and green channels to add some yellow into the lighting. You want the colour of the lighting to match up with the colour of the explosions so all elements for the destruction effect fit together.

How To Blow Up A Building 25 - Tint Lighting

And with that we are done and you should have a cool looking building destruction effect with a moving shot!

How To Blow Up A Building 26 - Final Building Explosion

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Feel free to leave any comments, questions or suggestions in the section below.

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